Gorgeous flowers available Monday - Sunday! Please order by 2pm for same day delivery. Did you know you can also order a pick up online? Save time by pre ordering and it will be ready for you at your chosen pick up time. Order online or call us to place a custom order over the phone. Thank you for your continual support, we appreciate you!

Funky Bouquet


A big bouquet with oriental lilies, disbuds, chrysanthemums and complimenting foliages in a pink, burgundy and white colour theme.  Pink gyp is the luxurious option.


Order Chocolates (optional):

Order Teddy Bear (optional):

Order Butterfly (optional):

Order Balloon (optional):

Order Vase (optional)

Gift Card Type (optional):


Add-ons total:



A big bouquet with oriental lilies, disbuds, chrysanthemums and complimenting foliages in a pink, burgundy and white colour theme.

Additional information

Choose A Size

Standard, Premium, Luxurious