Our Pink Paradise Bouquet is a designer style bouquet full of the most delicious seasonal blush and mixed pink flowers, including a phalaenopsis orchid stem. She’s crafted with complimenting foliages and styled in an upright, front facing structure for optimal presentation.
Finished with beautiful wrapping paper and a small flower cluster around the ribbon. Pictured is the luxurious size, however all size options are just divine.
All our Flowers are prepared daily by our expert florists per order, so you are guaranteed the freshest of flowers. Suitable for Congratulations flowers, Thinking of you flowers, Birthday flowers, Cheer up flowers or just because!
We are an actual Florist shop located in Sunshine North, Melbourne, Victoria. We are just down the road from the Sunshine Hospital and the Joan Kirner Womans and Children’s Hospital. We offer same day fresh flower delivery to Sunshine, Sunshine west, Sunshine North and many surrounding suburbs in Melbourne seven days a week. To Order for today please do so online by our 2pm cut off for same day delivery, or call us to place your order over the phone.